Before you email our volunteers, please check whether the answer to your question is on the website!

  • Our session dates, times and location can be found in the footer at the bottom of the site
  • Appointments can be booked here
  • If you can’t find an appointment for a few weeks it means we’re fully booked, but it’s worth checking back a few days before sessions because we sometimes get cancellations
  • Our full sling catalogue, including whether a sling is currently available or out on hire, can be found here
  • In case our sessions are fully booked or not at a time you’re available, a list of the other sling libraries in London can be found here
  • If you feel the support you need would be more suited to a 1-1 consultation or workshop, a list of sling consultants in London can be found here

If there is anything else we can help you with, please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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